DALLAS—October 7, 2019—Art Conspiracy announces that it will postpone its next fundraiser, Art Con 15—originally planned for November 2019—to the fall of 2020. The $10,000 proceeds raised from its “seed” event held June 1, which would have been used to mount the fall fundraiser, will be immediately given to Foundation 45, the beneficiary announced for this year’s event.
Art Conspiracy will keep Foundation 45 as the beneficiary for the 2020 event. Since its beginnings in 2005, the all-volunteer organization has raised more than $450,000 by holding annual fundraisers where artists and musicians “conspire” to raise funds for creative programs and causes with live auctions of art by local artists and performances by local bands. These events have typically been held in alternative spaces within parts of town that were ripe for discovery by Dallas audiences, such as the Texas Theatre in Oak Cliff, warehouses in West Dallas, and the Boedeker Building in the Cedars Union, the future home of that neighborhood’s eponymous arts incubator.
“I’m incredibly proud of the results this community of artists and musicians have accomplished,” says Geoff Barry, president of Art Conspiracy’s board of directors. “Changes in the Dallas arts landscape and commercial development trends over the past several years have made some aspects of our event model increasingly difficult to execute, and due to circumstances beyond our control, Art Con 15 has been postponed until 2020. We see this as an opportunity to re-organize in order to make Art Con 15 our best event yet and deliver maximum benefit to Foundation 45.”
Art Conspiracy expects to announce more details about ArtCon 15 in spring 2020; individuals wishing to volunteer are encouraged to visit the organization’s website, www.artcon.org.
About Art Conspiracy
Art Conspiracy is a nonprofit community formed to create awareness for the arts and bring artists and musicians together to “conspire” for the benefit of the local arts scene and community. Since its inception in 2005, Art Con has raised more than $450,000 for small programs that provide arts and music programming in North Texas, including Musical Angels, La Reunion, Girls Rock Dallas, My Possibilities, Preservation Link, Make Art with Purpose, and Music is Our Weapon.
Carrie Sanger, csanger@smu.edu
Facebook – @art.conspiracy
Instagram – @artconspiracy
Twitter – @ArtConDallas
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