Inspiration for Devyn Gaudet’s photography often comes to her from an untraditional source: through academia and research. Yet, as you see Devyn step from behind the camera’s lens, her inspiration comes into focus.
Her fascination with the medium came in high school dark rooms while a member of the yearbook staff, but in college, she started off in the field of science. Before the end of her freshman year however, Devyn had switched to a major in art and embarked on her path. Despite the change in major, her other college courses often led to her moments of inspiration.
“I would be in the middle of learning about Jim Crow America or modern poetry, and BAM, an idea would hit me,” she recalls.
Today, through academia, Devyn inspires the next generation of creators and conspirators as a high school art teacher in Fort Worth, Texas. Introducing students to different forms of creativity is much akin to the impact Art Con continues to make on Devyn herself.
“Being around that much talent, and getting to meet so many people within the DFW art scene was amazing,” she explains of her first experience with Art Con.
Starting as a volunteer for Art Con 9, recruited by a college friend, Diane Durant (who Devyn also cites as encouraging her to follow her artistic career path), she found the crew and other volunteers to be like an ever-welcoming family. After her first volunteer experience, she was hooked and soon became a participating artist in the SEED event, Wrecked.
Although photography has been her medium of choice, Devyn credits Art Conspiracy with pushing her to create outside her comfort zone by creating within the parameters of the iconic 18×18 board. Wanting to immerse herself more fully in the Art Con experience, Devyn says she truly wanted to feel like an artist during the eight-hour Artist Day event where participating conspirators assemble and create their unique pieces for the Art Con auctions.
From volunteering to artistic participation, Devyn cherishes her experiences, connections and friendships built from within Art Con. Visit her website to see some of her work, and come check out her latest piece up for auction Saturday, November 11 at Art Con 13!
Written by: Cali Thompson
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